Thursday, June 15, 2017


Hi, here I put the link of a project we have done in class. 
first we chose the song and later we practised in class and finaly recorded.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Hi, here I put the link of a video. It is a video of a group of persons that do music whit thei body; it is so cool I will you enjoy it.

In my opininion i think this video is so cool because I like doing diferent sounds with my body.


Astronomer- Is a person who study the stars.

Events organizer- Is a person who organize an event.

Fashion buyer- Is a person who buys clothes for the next season.

Film producer- Is a person who produces a new film.

Sales assistant- Is a person that helps to you when you need some clothes.

Friday, May 19, 2017



- Elderly: approachingld age.

- Teenager: of, relating to, or characteristic of people in their teens.

- Toddler: a young child learning to walk.

- Having sleepsovers: an instance of sleeping over, as at another person's house.

- Bite: to cut or tear with the teeth.

- Chase: to follow rapidly or intently in order to overtake

Monday, April 24, 2017


Victoria Jacoby is a girl that can do cool tricks. She starts the trick twisting her body so much. She started doing gymnastics at the age of four. When she's finishing her trick, she takes a glass and puts into it some kind of liquid, then she started to twist her body again and drinks it. She is a contorsionist.

Monday, April 17, 2017


- I have learned about culture how musicians can play their favorite instruments if they have some type  of disability, and how Americans and British people has got he own show (got talent☆)

- In English class I have learned abot sports and abilities. I have to improve the vocabulary and the translation.

- In P.E. I have larned about badminton and hand ball. I havae to improve the exams.